GNU OS (GNU Operating System)
Background/Desktop Wallpaper


GNU OS Wallpaper 1920x1080
1920x1080 (16:9 aspect ratio) 668 K jpg
1920x1080 (16:9 aspect ratio) 2.6 MB png

Created for my 1920x1080 widescreen monitor, this wallpaper is great for a boot splash and/or a desktop wallpaper.  Reads "GNU OS/GNU's Not Unix/Licensed for Freedom" in Trisquel blue and features the GNU OS smiling gnu head. 

Also available in a smaller cropped 1024x600 (10:6 aspect ratio) version originally created for the Lemote YeeLoong 8101B.

the GNU operating system

GNU Operating System Wallpaper 1600x1200
This is the only other "GNU OS" background that I could find, done by Momez (Licensing unknown).  A 1600x1200 png file, 213 K.  (Found in khany's trisquel_artwork archive.) Reads "Freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve/'Free software' is a matter of liberty, not price/Free Software Foundation/the GNU operating system" and features the smiling gnu head.

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